It rules our emotional world. It is a very fast and powerful centre; it often dominates the Intellectual centre, subjugating it. When this happens the emotional centre is hidden from our observation and it appears as a thought. For example when we rationalize an emotional need, to allow its expression. |
It is the centre of rational ability where every thought is built in its own specific way.We have to imagine it as a series of rollers where, since our first childhood, all the cognitive ideas born from experience and from the influence of the external environment have been recorded. |
It rules our most complex motions. When we walk, gesticulate, sit down or cross our legs, we are using the M.C. The way of sitting down or gesticulating in Western cultures is different from that of Eastern cultures. This is the result of the acquisition by the M.C. of a sequence of expressions from our socio-cultural background. |
It rules all our unconscious actions and reactions like: heart beat, breathing, conditioned reflexes etc. This centre doesn’t really learn from exterior stimuli, althoughsome Yogis can control it. (Some eastern meditators are able to considerably slow their breathing and consequentially their heart beat). |