Men spend the whole life without knowing the real meaning of their existence….



Fundaments of Gurdjieff's thought












This Site is dedicated to the Work and to all Seekers 

In December 1979 Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. They stayed in the country for 10 years. The outcome has been: one million of victims and about 5 millions refugees (in other countries). The soviet occupation was followed by

 clashes between the different groups of mujaheddins, which continued also after the conquest of Kabul in 1992.

Rabbani’s government had to withdraw in the northern part of the country, with the mujaheddins led by commander Massud.

The war has changed fronts, enemies and names, but it never stopped and left on the ground 10 millions anti-personnel mines.

Emergency is working a lot in this area. It has built some Hospitals and at the moment is trying to reach people in all territory in order to supply a defenceless and not guilty population with all the needed drugs and first aid remedies.




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Qui va la frase con immagine "War doesn't make any distinction"





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